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Form of award

For IT companies whose solutions/MVPs are recognized by the Expert Commission as the best - conclusion of an agreement for the implementation of the presented IT solution.

Product status


Тип задачи

Задачи НИОКР

Сфера применения

Metallurgical industry

Область задачи

Other technological solutions

Type of product

Software/ IS

Problem description

In PC No. 4, currently, when raw materials enter the bins MV 02 of different compositions of chrome ore (fraction, content of the leading element), the materials are superimposed on each other, thus, when mixing, it is impossible to determine the actual weight in the bins based only on the readings of the scales of the dispensers in MV 01 and scales of the transport conveyor MV 01-190. Also, when liquid slag enters the DSK-600 landfill, the fills are superimposed on each other and the weight is determined only by the crushed material after cooling. In the shop for fractionation and shipment of ferroalloys, the remainder of the finished product in the bins is measured with a tape measure or laser. As a result, there is a possibility of measurement error in finished product balances.

Expected effect

Engineering solution for measuring ore residues at the ore warehouse of the Aktobe Ferroalloy Plant (as well as finished products and slag) to improve the accuracy of finished product measurement. ---- The application deadline is April 19. After the selection of applications, on April 24 there will be a visit to the location (Aktobe, Aktobe Ferroalloy Plant) to collect additional information and visually familiarize with the case. You are given 1 month to resolve the case. On May 24, a presentation of solutions and selection of a winner is planned.

Full name of responsible person

Сауя Сейпенова

Contacts of responsible person


Purpose and description of task (project)

Develop a system for measuring ore residues at the ore warehouse of the Aktobe Ferroalloy Plant (as well as finished products and slag).