All countries

Price: 230000

Number of applications: 0

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Form of award


Product status


Тип задачи

Задачи ИКТ

Сфера применения

Light industry

Область задачи

Information processing and transformation

Type of product

Software/ IS

Problem description

1. All reviews must be moderated before publication; 2. The possibility of registration / authorization via social networks and SMS. The following sites can be used as a basis: 1. / 2. / 3.

Expected effect

A workable website with simple functionality with the ability to send product reviews.

Full name of responsible person

Ким Марк Валерьевич

Contacts of responsible person


Purpose and description of task (project)

It is not necessary to create a site-an otzovik, a type of popular otzovik. The site can be designed as a ready-made cms, as well as on a framework (it is possible to have a blind spot). The theme is concise (educational theme). In this moment of design, it is not necessary to implement the functionality. All other issues can be discussed in chat. @neoone010101