Price: 0
Number of applications: 1
Задачи НИОКР
Uranium mining and processing
Raw material processing technologies
Upon completion of the work, the Contractor shall submit a reporting document in the form of a scientific and technical report, which shall contain: - justification, conclusions, calculations and recommendations - economic assessment of the feasibility of installing industrial equipment/installation; - feasibility study (FS) of the developed technology; - plan for pilot testing; - review of the innovative project; - complete information on the nature, brand, manufacturer of the applied equipment; - marketing report; - developed technological regulations; - design and construction documentation of devices, mechanisms, equipment, equipment passport, instructions for the The final report should be accompanied by the Acts of completed works and calculation of the share of local content
At the moment, as a result of uranium mining and processing, radioactive elements are present in industrial products of production, which :allow to consider the issues of associated extraction of radium radioisotopes. It should also be noted that in recent years the world is actively developing nuclear medicine, and accordingly the issues of radioisotope production become relevant and promising.
The following results are expected to be obtained as a result of the announced innovation project: - analytical review of potential sources of raw materials of radium; - analytical review of the market of radioisotopes for medical use; - analytical review of existing technologies for obtaining radioisotopes for medical use; marketing review of the market of medical radioisotopes obtained from industrial products of uranium production; - marketing review of the sales market of medical radioisotopes; - developed technology for obtaining radium radioisotopes from industrial products of uranium production; - selection and substantiation of optimal raw materials for obtaining radium radioisotopes;selection and substantiation of optimal raw materials for production of radium radioisotopes; - selection and substantiation of selected and developed technology for production of radium radioisotopes; - developed feasibility study; - samples of materials containing radium radioisotopes; - determination of markets for the specified products; - certification of obtained samples; - yield of at least 70%; -selection and manufacture of pilot, necessary for the creation of a production site with a full cycle of production of radium radioisotopes as raw materials for further production of radioisotopes for medical use; - formalized intellectual property objects (patents for technology, for utility model, etc.). In case of positive results, upon completion of the research work, which passed laboratory tests, may be recommended for further implementation of the project for obtaining medical radioisotopes from uranium production products in order to increase profitability and maximize the level of business diversification. In case of negative results at any stage of the research work, the work shall be terminated and relevant reports shall be drawn up.
Rashev Sabit Dosmaganbetovich
Purpose and description of task (project)
1) determination of optimal sources of raw materials of radium radioisotopes from uranium production products; 2) development of technology for obtaining extraction of radium radioisotopes from industrial uranium production products; 3) determination of expediency of organization of obtaining radium radioisotopes from industrial uranium production products.