Technological tasks

The Tech-tasks module is tasks related to the development, implementation and improvement of new technologies, products and processes. If you have development, implementation and other needs you can post information below.


Restoring the verticality of the Incinerator (afterburner)

The verticality of the afterburner is broken. In case of strong wind, deviation from the vertical axis is observed, as well as oscillations of the flare trunk in winter at low temperatures. The fluctuation is approximately from 60 cm to 1 meter.


ЦНТИ "Самгау"

Making decisions before ...

до 25.06.24

Область задачи

Industrial Safety

Number of applications


Борьба с мехпримесями при подготовке и закачке воды

Для поддержания пластового давления (ППД) испольльзуется заказка воды, изначально технической воды с водозаборных скважин альбсеноманского горизонта. В связи с увеличением обводненности скважин, подтоварную отделенную от нефти очищают на установке подготовки воды и закачивают через систему ППД в пласт. При закачке смешанной технической и подтоварной воды происходит выпадение осадка оксида железа, что приводит к несоответствию качества воды для заводнения с требованиями СТ РК 1662-2007: Существующая технологическая схема водоподготовки на установке не может обеспечить соответствующее качество воды согласно требования СТ РК 1662-2007 (по содержанию механических примесей и нефтепродуктов)


ЦНТИ "Самгау"

Making decisions before ...

до 24.06.24

Область задачи

Raw material processing technologies

Number of applications


Automate the calculation of commercial proposals for clients

Increase the speed of calculating commercial offers upon request from clients regarding railway transportation services. Make this business process more convenient for the internal user. Calculations are more accurate and transparent.


ТОО Atasu Logistics

Making decisions before ...

до 19.06.24

Область задачи

Neurotechnology and artificial Intelligence

Number of applications


ЗАО "ФИНКА Банк" Кыргызстан - мобильное и веб-приложение Банка для физ. и юр. лиц

CJSC FINCA Bank announces a tender to select a supplier to purchase services for individual development or purchase of a ready-made solution for remote banking (mobile and web applications of the bank), intended for use by both individuals and legal entities. The Bank strives to provide customers with modern and convenient technological solutions that allow them to conduct account transactions, manage finances and receive information about banking services through mobile and web platforms.



Making decisions before ...

до 06.06.24

Область задачи

Other technological solutions

Number of applications


SupplBot - an integrated chatbot system for automating procurement processes

The project involves the creation of an integrated chatbot system to automate procurement processes and interaction with suppliers through large trading platforms and instant messengers, with an emphasis on the use NoCode solutions and maximum use of ready-made APIs and LLM (Language Learning Models) capabilities such as Open AI, Alibaba, Chatbot and WeChat.


Alamata Icn.

Making decisions before ...

до 24.05.24

Область задачи

Supply Chain

Number of applications


Development of an information system for KSU Center for Active Longevity in Astana

Development, maintenance and technical support of IT system - modules for process automation: - Module “Visitor and Employee Electronic Passport System”; - Module “Real-time video monitoring system”; - Module “System for electronic registration of visitors to events”; - Module “Automated system for recording and monitoring visitors through facial recognition technology.


КГУ Центр активного долголетия г. Астана

Making decisions before ...

до 14.05.24

Область задачи

Technologies in telecommunications

Number of applications


Development of e-document flow using EDS signatures of the NCA RK and QR via EGOV Mobile

It is necessary to develop and integrate electronic document management onto the existing platform of our marketplace for signing contracts, accounting documents, etc.



Making decisions before ...

до 14.06.24

Область задачи

Internet of Things

Number of applications


Теплоизоляционная покрытие

Во избежания прорывов труб


Ангренсор Энерго

Making decisions before ...

до 26.04.24

Область задачи

New production technologies

Number of applications


Интеграционный модуль

Доработка и развитие текущего интеграционного модуля


АО «Казахстанская Жилищная Компания»

Making decisions before ...

до 10.05.24

Область задачи

Information processing and transformation

Number of applications


Automate the accounting of unloaded dump trucks in the open-pit mine (OPSh).

Automation of accounting of unloaded dump trucks in smelting shop No. 4, charge preparation department


ТОО «Business & Technology Services»

Making decisions before ...

до 03.05.24

Область задачи

Other technological solutions

Number of applications


Тип задачи

Preferred systems

Field of application

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