

AI Engineer

850 000 ₸
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Available 9 Quotas

The AI Engineer program redefinece the approach to education, focusing on a project-oriented methodology designed for ambitious professionals who aim to create innovative startups and solve complex business problems in areas such as machine learning, computer vision, recommendation systems, and natural language processing. The training program is intended for individuals with programming experience. Good knowledge of programming (Python/Java/JavaScript, etc.), basic knowledge of higher mathematics, understanding of OOP principles, and algorithms are necessary for a successful start of the training. The level of academic/professional preparation in these areas directly affects the efficiency and speed of learning.

Special condition

Additional Fees. Upon successful enrollment in the course, a prospective participant is required to pay the remaining amount of the course fee before the start of the training. The 6-month training costs 850,000 tenge, and the grant within the Tech Orda program amounts to 600,000 tenge. Thus, there is a remaining balance of 250,000 tenge that must be covered by the student.

Course details


For beginner

Study format




Entrance exams


Duration, in weeks


Duration in academic hours


Education language


Classes days_of_week

Monday, wednesday, saturday

Teaching methodology

There are more practices than theories


AI Engineer, Machine Learning Engineer, Computer Vision Engineer, NLP Engineer

Classes format

Lessons are conducted online 3 times a week for 2 hours each.


▸ Turn ideas into functioning products, understanding of the development lifecycle.

▸ Deploy models into production, including containerization and scaling.

▸ Create effective requests for LLM models to run.

▸ Classify and detect objects.

▸ Create and train generative-adversarial networks for various visual effects.

▸ Utilize identity technologies and anti-fakeout techniques.

▸ Be able to convert textual descriptions into visual content.


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