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Automate the accounting of unloaded dump trucks in the open-pit mine (OPSh).
Automation of accounting of unloaded dump trucks in smelting shop No. 4, charge preparation department
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до 03.05.24
Область задачи
Other technological solutionsNumber of applications
Develop a module to determine the degree of emptying of railcars in the charge preparation department.
Propose a rational engineering and technical solution for determining and monitoring the degree of emptying of a railcar.
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до 03.05.24
Область задачи
Intelligent control systemsNumber of applications
Hub Perks
Develop an algorithm for recognizing railcar numbers in the charge preparation department.
Propose a rational engineering and technical solution.
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до 03.05.24
Область задачи
New production technologiesNumber of applications
Develop a module for transferring existing mnemonic diagrams to an application available in MES and qollab
Improving the quality of equipment maintenance by increasing the efficiency of searching for objects at the production site.
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до 03.05.24
Область задачи
New production technologiesNumber of applications
Description and development in program code of an algorithm for predicting equipment failure in the charge preparation department
To propose a rational engineering and technical solution for predicting failures of process equipment in the charge preparation department of PC No. 4
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до 03.05.24
Область задачи
New production technologiesNumber of applications
Create a 3D model of one of the sections 4 of the AktZF workshop (case for students)
Creation of a 3D model of sections of the processing center No. 4, for visual operation of the unit and personnel training.
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до 03.05.24
Область задачи
New production technologiesNumber of applications
Modeling the impact of production on the environment
Development of a digital simulation model linking production processes to emissions. Carry out calculations and search for the optimal scenario depending on changes in process parameters.
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до 03.05.24
Область задачи
New production technologiesNumber of applications
Autonomous transport
Automated vehicle control performed without a driver using optical sensors, radar and computer algorithms. Development of a list of initiatives for the introduction of unmanned or remotely controlled technological and auxiliary vehicles/equipment.
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до 03.05.24
Область задачи
New production technologiesNumber of applications
Automation and robotization of manual operations
Survey and development of a list of initiatives for automation and robotization of all manual operations within the technological process of workshop 4. To propose a rational engineering and technical solution to eliminate the human factor as much as possible in the smelting of ferroalloys
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до 03.05.24
Область задачи
New production technologiesNumber of applications
Digital model of workshop 4 with shutdowns and calculation of design productivity
Development of a digital simulation model of the technological process of workshop 4. Calculate scenarios for production volumes depending on changes in technological parameters.
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до 03.05.24
Область задачи
New production technologiesNumber of applications
Sludge deposits on the water-cooled channels of furnace elements during scheduled repairs of furnaces
To propose a solution for diagnosing and predicting the occurrence of sludge deposits on the water-cooled channels of furnace elements (short network, main pipes for supplying coolant).
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до 03.05.24
Область задачи
Other technological solutionsNumber of applications
Develop a prototype crawler robot
Conducting inspection and remote monitoring of equipment condition using a crawler robot.
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до 03.05.24
Область задачи
Intelligent control systemsNumber of applications
Implement a digital queue when selling crushed stone
Currently, there are congestions at the weighing station and at the launch of contractors' vehicles at the checkpoint, and the accumulation of contract vehicles in front of the checkpoint near the plant territory. To speed up the process of selling crushed stone, automation is necessary
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до 03.05.24
Область задачи
Technologies in transport and logisticsNumber of applications
Automate manual extraction of ferrochrome from crushed slag in OPShl
It is necessary to automate the manual extraction of fractions 0-5, 5-20, 20-40 mm from crushed stone (slag) in PC № 4, due to the possible loss of metal-containing materials.
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до 03.05.24
Область задачи
Other technological solutionsNumber of applications
Develop a system for determining the volume/weight of slag in the slag pit PC 4
Transportation of slag by dump trucks to the crushing and screening complex (DSK 600) for subsequent crushing. Weighing the volume of slag with the bowl is carried out by slag trucks; the bowl is also weighed separately by a slag truck; the difference between a bowl full of slag and an empty ladle is equal to the weight of the slag. It is necessary to automate the process of accounting for unloaded OPSH dump trucks
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до 03.05.24
Область задачи
Other technological solutionsNumber of applications
Develop a solution to prevent ore material from “hanging” in bunkers
At a certain period, to summarize the balance of the metal, surveyors carry out work to measure the “bed”. The measurement is carried out by weighing the ingots with screenings, and the “bed” is also measured separately after collecting the ingots. As a result, the amount of adhering screenings is subtracted from the initial values of the made “bed” before releasing the metal. The task is to automate the entire process
Making decisions before ...
до 03.05.24
Область задачи
Other technological solutionsNumber of applications