

School of Advanced Technology

4 Courses • 8 Quotas

  • Astana city, Kabanbay batyr 8, office 307

About school

More on ITechResearch

The School of Advanced Technologies, which aims to develop IT specialists through professional retraining, advanced training programs and courses covering the most popular IT areas. The main purpose is to train highly qualified personnel through the introduction of domestic and foreign training within the framework of the needs of the employer in the labor market. The training programs are built on the principles of a competency-based approach and modular training. Within the framework of the project, IT training programs are being implemented, including basic and advanced courses.

  • Experienced teachers

    We have over 5 professional teachers with over 10 years of experience

  • Types and methods of teaching

    Gamification of learning, Project-based learning, Podcasting, Case study (case method, case study),Brainstorm, Mind map method

  • Practice more than theory 80/20

  • Availability of internship/practice
