Who are we: We are a team of enthusiasts who started developing a neural network in 2020 in order to obtain crypto signal analytics for bot telegrams and increase personal passive income. Havi
Collector throughput through siphon
When pumping oil from the northern part of the field, the throughput of reservoirs with diameters of 325 and 219 mm does not allow pumping the entire volume of production due to possible deposits in the area of the siphon passing under the Zhem River. The pressure in the reservoirs in the northern part of the siphon increases to 20-25 atm in winter.
Making decisions before ...
до 25.06.24
Область задачи
Energy conversion and storageNumber of applications
Hydraulic calculation of oil and gas collection system
The system for collecting and transporting oil and gas in the field at the current production capacity requires recalculation of the hydraulic parameters of the system. There is a discrepancy between the initial design data of the oil and gas collection system and the actual performance of the system. As a result, the collection system installations operate inefficiently and energy resources are wasted. It is necessary to recalculate the system in terms of pressure, throughput, diameters, pressure losses
Making decisions before ...
до 25.06.24
Область задачи
Intelligent control systemsNumber of applications
Using waste-free gas purification technology
When purifying gas from hydrogen sulfide, the alkaline cleaning method is used. At the same time, there are large costs for servicing expensive equipment designed for alkaline cleaning, costs for energy resources, chemical reagents and disposal of waste alkali. NaOH alkali is used, which requires the use of expensive equipment. The alkali requirement reached a maximum of 600 liters per hour
Making decisions before ...
до 25.06.24
Область задачи
Raw material processing technologiesNumber of applications
Restoring the verticality of the Incinerator (afterburner)
The verticality of the afterburner is broken. In case of strong wind, deviation from the vertical axis is observed, as well as oscillations of the flare trunk in winter at low temperatures. The fluctuation is approximately from 60 cm to 1 meter.
Making decisions before ...
до 25.06.24
Область задачи
Industrial SafetyNumber of applications
Hub Perks
Борьба с мехпримесями при подготовке и закачке воды
Для поддержания пластового давления (ППД) испольльзуется заказка воды, изначально технической воды с водозаборных скважин альбсеноманского горизонта. В связи с увеличением обводненности скважин, подтоварную отделенную от нефти очищают на установке подготовки воды и закачивают через систему ППД в пласт. При закачке смешанной технической и подтоварной воды происходит выпадение осадка оксида железа, что приводит к несоответствию качества воды для заводнения с требованиями СТ РК 1662-2007: Существующая технологическая схема водоподготовки на установке не может обеспечить соответствующее качество воды согласно требования СТ РК 1662-2007 (по содержанию механических примесей и нефтепродуктов)
Making decisions before ...
до 24.06.24
Область задачи
Raw material processing technologiesNumber of applications